Creep-Resistant Steels: Heat Treatment Excellence by D&H Secheron

Published on 19 January 2024

5 min


Heat Treatment on Creep-Resistant Steels

Creep-resistant steels are widely used in high-temperature applications as they are designed to withstand high temperatures and pressure for an extended period of time without experiencing any significant deformation or rupture. However, to achieve this level of performance, these steels require proper heat treatment.
In this blog, we will discuss the importance of heat treatment on creep-resistant steels, why it is necessary, and what the process involves. Before that, let us understand what creep resistance means.

What are the Metal Requirements to have Creep Resistance Properties?

Creep resistance is an essential property of metals used in high-temperature applications, such as aerospace and power generation. Metals with high creep resistance can withstand prolonged exposure to high temperatures without significant deformation or failure.
The primary requirements for metals to exhibit good creep resistance include high melting point, high strength, and resistance to oxidation and corrosion. Additionally, creep-resistant materials must have a fine and homogeneous grain structure that can resist the movement of dislocations under high temperatures and stresses.

What are Creep Resistant Steels?

Creep-resistant steels are a class of steel alloys designed to resist deformation and failure at high temperatures and pressure. These steels are used in applications where the temperature ranges from 550°C to 650°C and the pressure is above 50 bar.
Creep-resistant steels are typically divided into two categories: ferritic and austenitic. The ferritic category is more commonly used in power generation plants, while austenitic is used in chemical processing and petrochemical plants.

Why do Creep-Resistant Steels require Heat Treatment?

Creep-resistant steels require heat treatment to achieve their desired properties, such as high strength and resistance to deformation and failure at high temperatures and pressure.
The heat treatment process involves heating the steel to a specific temperature and holding it at that temperature for a certain period. This process allows the steel to achieve its desired microstructure and properties.
Heat treatment helps to improve their mechanical properties, such as strength, ductility, and toughness. Additionally, it helps to eliminate any internal stresses that may have developed during the manufacturing process, which can lead to the deformation and failure of the steel in service.

Heat Treatment for Creep-Resistant Steels

The heat treatment process for creep-resistant steels typically involves four types:

Preheating involves heating the material prior to welding or other high-temperature applications to reduce the risk of cracking and improve overall strength and durability.

Annealing involves heating the steel to temperatures between 760°C to 830°C to soften the steel and reduce any internal stresses that may have developed during manufacturing.

Normalising involves heating the steel to temperatures between 870°C to 910°C to refine the steel's microstructure and improve its mechanical properties.

Tempering involves heating the steel to temperatures between 600°C to 700°C to improve the steel's toughness and ductility.


Heat treatment is a crucial process for ensuring the performance and reliability of creep-resistant steels in high-temperature and high-pressure applications. It is vital for achieving the desired properties of creep-resistant steels, such as heat resistance, high strength, ductility, and overall toughness. Additionally, it eliminates any internal stresses and deformities that might have developed during the manufacturing of the steel.
And, if you are looking for reliable creep-resistant electrodes, look no further than D&H Sécheron's Electrodes for Creep-Resistant Steels. With controlled hardness, our electrodes produce creep-resistant welding deposits, making them an ideal choice for your welding needs.
Contact D&H Sécheron today to learn more about our comprehensive range of welding solutions.

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